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Report: Sony Working on Wireless Earbuds for PS5

According to reports, Sony is working on expanding its audio hardware line by developing new earbuds and wireless headsets for the PS5. The earbuds, codenamed Project Nomad, are expected to offer five hours of battery life, come with their own…

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Windows 11 Update to Enable RGB Lighting Control

New settings for device lighting make an appearance in build 25295. Is this the beginning of the end for low quality RGB gamer gear apps? 🎮 The spec for this is from 2018 and references to the feature have been…

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After January 31, It’s The End Of Windows 10

Microsoft has announced that it will no longer sell Windows 10 after January 31, 2023. Instead, the company will focus on providing updates and support for the current version of the operating system until October 14, 2025. This means that…

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