Nintendo’s latest Zelda trailer evokes strong emotions with its poignant and heart-wrenching storytelling

Nintendo’s new trailer for The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom seems to target a specific demographic: older gamers. The trailer tells the story of a middle-aged man with a dull life who finds joy in playing the game. It’s a personal appeal and a personal attack, all in one, aimed at those who might have other things to do instead of play video games. The trailer’s message is clear: even if you’re a “boring middle-aged man,” you can still find happiness in the game. While it’s clear who the target market is, the trailer’s beautiful shots and storytelling are unsettling, and make it seem more like a very sad movie about a very sad man. Regardless, the new trailer is sure to excite younger generations who are eagerly anticipating the game’s release.

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