Joe Russo predicts AI-generated 90-minute films to be ‘highly proficient’ in just two years

Joe Russo, the director of four Marvel movies, recently discussed the potential uses of artificial intelligence in filmmaking during a Q&A at the Sands International Film Festival in Scotland. Russo and Epic Games chief creative officer Donald Mustard explored how AI could revolutionize storytelling in movies and TV shows.

According to Russo, AI could be used to engineer storytelling and create constantly evolving stories that change based on user input. He gave an example of someone requesting a rom-com starring their photoreal avatar and Marilyn Monroe’s photoreal avatar, and the AI rendering a 90-minute movie with dialogue that mimics the user’s voice. Mustard described using AI to insert users into existing movies, overlaying their image over the actor’s in real-time.

When asked when AI will be able to generate a movie that people don’t realize was generated by AI, Russo said two years, while Mustard said less. However, Mustard also pointed out that AI-generated content will require strong curation and hyper-specific instructions for a while. He gave an example of an AI overlay on a green screen, which required thousands of prompts and months of work to create.

Despite the potential for AI to aid filmmakers, both Russo and Mustard emphasized the need for human curation and the limitations of current AI technology. They agreed that AI is not yet capable of creating good content without significant human involvement.

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